ホーム > 詩人の部屋 > 過去ログ > No.131000-131999 > No.131099「destruction!」

過去ログ  〜 過去ログ No.131099 の表示 〜

[131099] destruction!
詩人:快感じゃがー [投票][編集]

my double-mind is
yearns jealously you

escape from this world now

I'll get the lost

[live in error!]

there is a bitter envy to you
and unruly evil comes

he will come too

as a thief in the night

here is blackness of darkness
but I'm not fear

"what do you do to me?"

shadow is turning away...

you know,

I told you
"give me the crown!"

I was serious
but you didn't nod...

it's my rules!
yesterday, today,
and forever

I pray again
when raining like a crying

this is my way
write to my heart

doesn't know how to go
but I'm going...

I turned to see line
between dreams and REAL

before a refrain passed away
you have left my words

"where is advantages?"

were you serious?
still my double-mind is
yearns jealously you

can I find it?
without key

can I cry now?
without you

flame of lamps are faded away

I gotta love
under the pale sky


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