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過去ログ  〜 過去ログ No.84163 の表示 〜

[84163] Dyed White
詩人:taka [投票][編集]

Scarlet snow dyed my sight
The blade took you...
Why you have to...
Why you have to be gone..

The tide of the time is frozen
You were true white
In only memories, you live...

oh...look over the stars
They never change
Twinkle, whisper, and light my heart

My heart is screaming
but I have no tears to shed
"I know... but I can't accept..."

A scarlet blooms...

Dying the white
You sing the last ode
The snow falls and falls
but it never fades

The shooting fragile star
I never reach
Lost my other half
and at my witz end...

No matter how I scream here
It fades to snow
Why you have to...
Why you have to be gone...

Live in a brand new world
The world without you
Morning stars are dying...

In a too beautiful dawn...
I clench my fist
Red stars and the sun stir my mind

The new God shows me scarlet ground
and said
"Dye everything this world"

Scarlet fire within my eyes
Burning my heart
full of doleful rage

I pledge alleagence to the sacred dawn
Please tell me
゛What is it to lost?゛

Dying the white
You sing the last ode
The snow falls and falls
but it never fades

The shooting fragile star
I never reach
The red is in my left eyes
It's my stigma

Scarlet snow...  


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