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takaの部屋  〜 「You are the One 〜Rain〜」への投 票 〜

  • takaさんの「You are the One 〜Rain〜」に投票します。
  • 不正防止のため投票は「詩人の部屋」の登録者のみに制限させて頂いています。
  • ユーザーIDとパスワードを入力して「投票する」をクリックしてください。

[23241] You are the One 〜Rain〜


You are the one
We were the two

Colorless world, my time is still cold
I see the end of this world
I'm a doll, forgot how to smile
Just looking for your smile day and night
Tell me how to make you past...

You never smile, never shed tears, never call my name again...
From the day, it has been raining to my heart
Please stop the Rain...

Can't keep walking without you
I know you won't revive
My love for you is killing myself
You are still the one for me

Please wait me till the rainy day
I become the dust
Please call my name again

Now I am just a one...

2004/12/18 (Sat)
ユーザーID パスワード

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