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アルの部屋  〜 「Visible 瞳閉じても」への投 票 〜

  • アルさんの「Visible 瞳閉じても」に投票します。
  • 不正防止のため投票は「詩人の部屋」の登録者のみに制限させて頂いています。
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[54655] Visible 瞳閉じても


I can see
your shadow
through the past

I can feel
your sorrow
without the nest

You know?
You are visible
to my eyes even if
there's a long
distance and
a lot of time
between us

I can stay
by the pillow
whenever you want

Whatever the cost
Through the past
Without the nest

I can see
your shadow

I can feel
your sorrow

It's my cast
invisible to you.


2005/11/04 (Fri)
ユーザーID パスワード

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